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VivoBareFoot Student Discount

Enjoy 20% Off Vivo Barefoot Student Discount when you shop online at www.vivobarefoot.com.au or any of their country domains.

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The human foot is a biomechanical masterpiece; when left to its own devices it can thrive doing everything from walking and running to jumping and dancing, but by cramming it in a modern shoe - cushioned, narrow and rigid - negates its natural strength and function. Our feet are our foundation connecting us to the earth, they should not be compromised. All Vivobarefoot footwear is designed to be Wide, Thin and Flexible: as close to barefoot as possible. They promote your foot's natural strength and movement. Allowing you to feel the ground beneath your feet. Get the latest Vivobarefoot student discounts, promo codes & coupons at Student Wow Deals today.

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